Press Releases

Press Release: Local climate change lawsuit argued tomorrow

October 3, 2024 — Last year, a group of Saskatchewan citizens and Climate Justice Saskatoon launched a lawsuit against the Saskatchewan government and SaskPower, arguing that SaskPower needs to move to a low emission electricity grid by 2035. Tomorrow, arguments will be made at the Court of King’s Bench in Regina about whether this case should be considered by the court. SES is hopeful that the case will be heard, and that we will be ultimately granted permission to intervene in the main action.

Press Release: SES urges for stronger action on climate change in SK

July 17, 2024 — The Saskatchewan government is ignoring the environmental realities of the world around us and the advice of the scientific community as it seeks to overturn every major Canadian government climate change initiative. If left unchecked, climate change will disrupt economies, exacerbate storms and disasters, and adversely affect lives and livelihoods. We must all be part of the solution.

Press Release: SES seeks intervenor status in climate action lawsuit

July 10, 2024 — SES is seeking intervenor status in a climate action lawsuit that could set important precedents in Canada. Through its intervention, SES intends to offer perspectives on energy alternatives that are reliable, cost effective, and would significantly reduce Saskatchewan’s greenhouse gas emissions. 

Press Release: SES collaborates with Howard Coad Community School

June 8, 2024 — SES collaborated with Howard Coad Community School to cultivate even more green infrastructure in Saskatoon’s Mount Royal neighbourhood by planting a biodiverse urban greenspace with native prairie perennials, grasses, and edible shrubs.

Press Release: SES opposes Bill 88, The Saskatchewan First Act

January 31, 2023 — Bill 88, The Saskatchewan First Act, which was introduced in the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan in November 2022, poses serious legal, environmental, ethical, and economic ramifications.

Press Release: Volunteers transformed obsolete tennis court into a welcoming green space

June 7, 2022 — To help slow down, soak up, and clean storm water while also creating wildlife habitats and benefitting our broader community, SES and Walter Murray Collegiate in Saskatoon partnered to “depave” a small area of the school grounds, then cultivated the site with hundreds of native plants and trees.

Press Release: Saskatchewanians ask the government to delay the electric vehicle tax

November 23, 2021 — The Saskatchewan government has started charging electric vehicle drivers a punitive $150 tax, claiming that this would contribute to the provincial road maintenance fund. SES, the Sask Electric Vehicles Association, SaskEV, and the Tesla Owners Club of Sask have joined together to point out the folly of this tax, asking for a delay until 1.3% of the light-duty vehicles on Saskatchewan roads are electric.

Press Release: 25 recommendations to help the SK government triple its climate ambition

November 9, 2021 — SES has presented the provincial government with 25 recommendations on how deeper emission cuts can be achieved in the decade ahead, focusing on electricity generation, transportation, buildings, heavy industry, the oil and gas sector, and protected areas. SES’s recommendations also contain proposed rural initiatives and collaborative opportunities with Regina and Saskatoon.

Press Release: Analysis says SK can have a carbon-neutral electrical grid by 2040

April 27, 2021 — SES’s NEW report, Carbon-Zero Electricity in Saskatchewan, examines and updates the analysis and recommendations from the 2013 report and considers how close SaskPower has come to meeting those recommendations.

Press Release: Environmental Initiatives in the Federal Throne Speech Offer Opportunities for Saskatchewan

September 25, 2020 — The Saskatchewan Environmental Society welcomes several of the Government of Canada’s Throne Speech commitments on the environment.

Press Release: Conservation group says provincial irrigation plan needs comprehensive assessment

July 29, 2020 — The Saskatchewan Environmental Society says a new Saskatchewan irrigation plan needs an Environmental Assessment to ensure that the project does not negatively impact our most precious resource: water.

Press Release: SES will join in the defense of the carbon tax before the Supreme Court of Canada

March 2, 2020 — The Saskatchewan Environmental Society (SES) is joining many other organizations in arguing that the Government of Canada’s carbon tax is constitutional and should be upheld. The case will be heard later this month at the Supreme Court of Canada.

Press Release: New location for publicly accessible solar-powered electric vehicle

January 27, 2020 — The Renewable Rides team unveiled the new permanent location for a solar-powered electric vehicle in a public car-share, in the Brainsport parking lot in Saskatoon. This is the first of its kind in Canada: a car-share program, with electric vehicles, powered by 100% solar energy, available to all.

Press Release: 50 years of environmental action in Saskatchewan

January 8, 2020 — SES has been the organization working on environmental issues in the province for the past 50 years.

Press Release: Provincial action on UN Biodiversity Report urgently needed

May 8, 2019 — SES is calling on the Saskatchewan government to act upon the recommendations in a United Nations report on the status of biodiversity and ecological services released on Monday.

Press Release: “Prairie Resilience” Is Not Enough

December 13, 2018 — In a newly released publication, “Prairie Resilience” Is Not Enough, SES analyzes the Saskatchewan government’s plans for greenhouse gas emission reduction in every sector of the Saskatchewan economy. 

Press Release: Celebrating Renewable Rides during National Drive Electric Week

September 12, 2018 — One hundred and twenty-six solar panels, with 37.8 kilowatts of generation capacity, have been installed to power new electric vehicles on the roads in Saskatoon.

Press Release: SES launches more electric vehicles powered by the sun—serving a new neighbourhood

September 5, 2018 — In a commitment to the furtherance of sustainability in Saskatoon, the Saskatchewan Environmental Society and partners have launched two additional publicly accessible electric vehicles as part of the Saskatoon CarShare Co-operative’s fleet.

Press Release: New Saskatoon neighbourhood gets car powered by the sun

April 30, 2018 — The Renewable Rides team launched the second 100% solar-powered electric vehicle (EV) in a public car-share—the first in the Nutana neighbourhood, in the parking lot behind the Arrand Block apartment building.

Press Release: A new way to get around Saskatoon

March 13, 2018 — The Saskatchewan Environmental Society and partners launched Saskatoon’s first 100% solar-powered electric vehicle in a car-sharing program at Affinity Credit Union’s Campus building. Renewable Rides is an innovative program in which SES is bringing solar-powered electric vehicles to the Saskatoon CarShare Co-operative’s fleet of cars.

Press Release: SES supports Federal carbon pricing backstop

May 19, 2017 — Carbon pricing is a fair way to price pollution, ensures those businesses that use energy efficiently and invest in solutions pay less, and is one of the most cost-effective ways of meeting our climate goals.

Press Release: K-12 School Energy Conservation Contest Winners

May 11, 2017 — Churchill Community High School (La Ronge) and Caswell Community School (Saskatoon) were awarded $1000 for their efforts as part of the 25 Acts of Energy Conservation contest.

Press Release: 25 Acts of Energy Conservation Webcast

February 8, 2017 — The Saskatchewan Science Centre and the Saskatchewan Environmental Society hosted a webcast for students. Students from 15 schools across Saskatchewan participated.

Press Release: Saskatchewan’s climate change plan unacceptable

December 8, 2016 — In December 2015, the Saskatchewan Environmental Society celebrated the signing of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. One year later Saskatchewan has presented a climate change plan that has failed to outline steps that will fulfill these obligations.

Press Release: SES calls for new oil pipeline safety measures

December 5, 2016 — The Saskatchewan Environmental Society is asking the provincial government to adopt major new initiatives to ensure the safety of oil pipelines in Saskatchewan. These initiatives would build upon and go far beyond the amendments to the provincial Pipelines Act announced last week by Hon. Dustin Duncan, Minister of Energy and Resources.

Press Release: Carbon taxation important source of revenue for innovation

October 19, 2016 — The Saskatchewan Plan for Climate Change released yesterday outlines an approach to climate change that stresses innovation. The Saskatchewan Environmental Society is pleased to hear the Province intends to take the threat posed by climate change seriously, and supports innovation as one of the avenues through which Saskatchewan can work to achieve our fair share of the global emission targets.

Press Release: Carbon pricing opens opportunities

October 7, 2016 — On October 5, 2016, the United Nations announced that the Paris Agreement on Climate Change had met the minimum requirements for entry-into-force; at least 55 countries accounting for 55% of the world’s emissions have formally joined the agreement resulting from COP21. On the same day, Canada voted to ratify the Paris Agreement, joining the United States, India, China, and 69 other countries.

Press Release: Can Gunnar clean-up move forward?

September 20, 2016 — On Thursday, September 22, the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission will hold a hearing in Ottawa to consider Saskatchewan Research Council’s request to lift the remaining “hold point” on the remediation project at the abandoned Gunnar uranium mine site.

Press Release: SES Solar Co-op reveals first solar project in SK

May 31, 2016 — SES Solar Co-operative President Joe Schmutz and Shift Development Founder and CEO Curtis Olson announced today that the largest solar power installation built to date in the Saskatoon Light and Power district is now complete and just days away from powering up.

Press Release: 25 Acts of Energy Conservation 2016 Winners

May 25, 2016 — The two $1000 winning projects were from Bruno Central School in Bruno with their campaign, Save Roots and Water to Keep Earth Cool, and Argyle School in Regina with their campaign, We Love Our Planet to the Moon and Back.

Press Release: Two largest SK cities urged to become carbon neutral

April 22, 2016 — The Saskatchewan Environmental Society is celebrating the signing of an international climate change agreement in New York today, and is encouraging Saskatchewan’s two largest cities to play a major leadership role in making the key principles of the climate agreement a reality in our province.

Press Release: Saskatchewan in a Fossil-Fuel-Limited World

December 15, 2015 — In the wake of the Paris climate change agreement, the Saskatchewan Environmental Society is calling on the Saskatchewan government to come forward with a comprehensive plan for reducing Saskatchewan’s greenhouse gas emissions.

Press Release: Sustainable Gourmet 2015

September 24, 2015 — Chefs from the Saskatoon area prepared dishes made primarily from local ingredients for the Saskatchewan Environmental Society’s 10th Annual Sustainable Gourmet fundraiser dinner, held Saturday, September 19, which was a great success!

Press Release: SES urges government to strictly regulate use of neonics

July 2, 2015 — The Saskatchewan Environmental Society’s President Bert Weichel called on the Saskatchewan government today to follow the lead of the Ontario government and launch a regulatory process aimed at significantly reducing the use of neonicotinoids.

Press Release: 25 Acts Contest Winners

May 25, 2015 — The two $1000 winning projects were from Argyle School in Regina with their campaign Gators Go Green, and Churchill High School in La Ronge with Waste Not Want Not.

Press Release: 1st Annual SK Living Green Expo

May 6, 2015 — The Saskatchewan Environmental Society hosted the first and largest green expo of its kind in the province. The Saskatchewan Living Green Expo was held on May 1 and 2, 2015, at Prairieland Park in Saskatoon, SK.

Press Release: Climate Friendly Zone Launch

January, 29, 2015 — The Saskatchewan Environmental Society announces the official launch of the Climate Friendly Zone campaign, a crucial step towards reducing our province’s dangerous greenhouse gas emissions.

Press Release: Saskatchewan Living Green Expo 2015

January 22, 2015 — The Saskatchewan Environmental Society is excited to host the province’s first and largest green event of its kind, the Saskatchewan Living Green Expo, on May 1 and 2, 2015, at Prairieland Park in Saskatoon.

Press Release: New provincial partnership for K-12 energy conservation campaign

November 7, 2014 — SES is happy to announce their partnership with the Saskatchewan Science Centre for the 25 Acts of Energy Conservation campaign, a K-12, province-wide action contest that promotes energy conservation all school year.

Press Release: New environmental regulatory approach leaves greenhouse gas management on back burner

November 3, 2014 — This morning the Government of Saskatchewan announced the proclamation of the new Environmental Management and Protection Act (2010) and the amended Forest Resources Management Act, along with certain sections of the new Environmental Code that will serve in lieu of regulations under these acts.

Press Release: Saskatoon Cooks up a Sustainable Recipe for Success

September 29, 2014 — Chefs from the Saskatoon area, including the Saskatoon Club’s Chef Anthony McCarthy, prepared dishes made primarily from local Saskatchewan ingredients for the Saskatchewan Environmental Society’s ninth annual Sustainable Gourmet fundraising dinner.

Press Release: K-12 School Energy Conservation Contest

May 22, 2014 — The two $1000 winning projects were from Ethel Millikin School in Regina with their “We’re all in this together” campaign and Father Robinson School in Saskatoon with their “Earth Day” campaign.

Press Release: Misfortune for Saskatchewan

February 12, 2014 — The Saskatchewan Environmental Society is deeply concerned that the Government of Saskatchewan saw fit to approve the Fortune Minerals Metal Processing Plant near Langham yesterday, despite receiving more than 200 submissions of concern from residents of Langham, Dalmeny, the RM of Corman Park, and Saskatoon.

Press Release: Time to transition off coal to a renewable future

December 17, 2013 — The Saskatchewan Environmental Society is urging SaskPower to make a priority of permanently closing each of its coal-fired power plants at or slightly before the end of their scheduled operating lifetime, and replacing them with renewable sources of electricity, or with other low carbon emitting sources of electricity generation.

Press Release: A questionable fortune for Langham

December 4, 2013 — The Saskatchewan Environmental Society advised the Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment that approval for the Fortune Minerals Metal Processing Facility, proposed for construction near Langham, should be refused.

Press Release: Kerrobert Oil by Rail

November 18, 2013 — The Saskatchewan Environmental Society has asked the Province of Saskatchewan and the Government of Canada to take a coordinated approach and to require that TORQ Transloading Inc. prepare an Environmental Impact Study on its proposed oil by rail terminal in Kerrobert, Saskatchewan.

Press Release: World moves toward more dangerous climate extremes

April 22, 2013 — The risk of more extreme weather and other dangerous climate change effects increases as carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere approach 400 parts per million (ppm) warned the Saskatchewan Environmental Society.