Environmental Law & Regulation

Environmental protection is dependent on good legislation and effective compliance at the federal, provincial, and municipal levels. The Saskatchewan Environmental Society continues to regularly monitor and review changes in these systems.

In 2022, SES expressed our concerns about the provisions related to greenhouse gas regulation and environmental standards in Bill 88 The Saskatchewan First Act. We are concerned because we contend that the bill has legal, environmental, ethical, and economic ramifications that have not been considered. Despite these concerns, Bill 88 was signed into law in early 2023. Read our press release, fact sheets, and letter to the Saskatchewan government here.

In 2019, SES made an application to intervene in the Supreme Court of Canada’s case addressing the constitutionality of the Greenhouse Gas Pricing Pollution Act. This case initially began because the governments of Saskatchewan, Alberta, and Ontario challenged the federal government’s legal power to enact a minimum national standard for pricing greenhouse gas emissions in an effort to mitigate climate change. You can find our press release here.

In 2016, the federal government initiated a review of the federal environmental assessment review process. Read SES’s submission to the review panel here.