Join SES or Renew

The Saskatchewan Environmental Society (SES) is a non-profit, registered charity. By being a member of SES, you are supporting the creation of a sustainable world.

With an annual $20 membership, you receive the following benefits:

  • a copy of our quarterly newsletter, The Environmental Resource,
  • voting rights at our annual general meeting, and
  • regular email updates on important environmental activities and events.

There are many convenient ways to join SES or renew your membership:

  1. SES can easily manage automatic monthly contributions from your bank account (simply send us a void & signed cheque to PO Box 1372, Saskatoon, SK, S7K 3N9)
  2. You can mail us a cheque for your membership and one-time additional gift, OR
  3. You can use a credit card with the form below for a one-time or monthly contribution.

By choosing to become a monthly donor, you provide SES with the ability to improve long-term planning and decision-making. It’s also convenient for you, because we will automatically update your SES membership year after year (unless you tell us not to).

SES also offers subscriptions to organizations and businesses that would like to support our work. Subscriptions cost $20 per year (the same as a membership). By subscribing to SES, your organization will receive a copy of our quarterly newsletter and regular email updates.

Thank you for your commitment to protecting the environment. We value your support!

Note: if it hasn’t already, the secure Canada Helps membership form will load below in approximately 5 seconds. This donation form is compliant with the highest-level Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS). Click the lock on the right-hand side of the form to view the HTTPS URL of the membership form.