Planning for the Transition
2017 — SES Report: Planning for the Transition in a Carbon Constrained World: Lessons from the Literature for Saskatchewan.
2017 — SES Report: Planning for the Transition in a Carbon Constrained World: Lessons from the Literature for Saskatchewan.
June 30, 2017 — Comments from the Saskatchewan Environmental Society on the Technical Paper (May 18, 2017) on the Federal Carbon Pricing Backstop.
2017 — FAQs: Methane (CH4) is an important greenhouse gas because it has the ability to trap more heat than carbon dioxide.
August 2016 — Submission to the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission from SES regarding the Phase II hold point release to proceed with the Gunnar Remediation Project.
December 8, 2016 — In December 2015, the Saskatchewan Environmental Society celebrated the signing of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. One year later Saskatchewan has presented a climate change plan that has failed to outline steps that will fulfill these obligations.
December 5, 2016 — The Saskatchewan Environmental Society is asking the provincial government to adopt major new initiatives to ensure the safety of oil pipelines in Saskatchewan. These initiatives would build upon and go far beyond the amendments to the provincial Pipelines Act announced last week by Hon. Dustin Duncan, Minister of Energy and Resources.
December 1, 2016 — The Saskatchewan Environmental Society’s recommendations for the Government of Saskatchewan arising from the Husky Energy oil spill that took place in July 2016. This spill put at risk the primary drinking water source for nearly 70,000 Saskatchewan residents, and has had a wide array of negative ecological impacts.
November 2016 — Update on the Proposed Chaplin Wind Farm: “Wind-energy projects needed, but not just everywhere.”
2016 — Report: The Saskatchewan government released their Climate Change White Paper on October 18, 2016. The White Paper is positioned as an “alternative approach to Prime Minister Trudeau’s national carbon tax” (Government of Saskatchewan, 2016).