Submission to CNSC regarding Gunnar Remediation Project Phase 2
August 2016 — Submission to the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission from SES regarding the Phase II hold point release to proceed with the Gunnar Remediation Project.
August 2016 — Submission to the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission from SES regarding the Phase II hold point release to proceed with the Gunnar Remediation Project.
November 14, 2016 — Response to the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission staff submission “Regulatory Oversight Report for Uranium Mines, Mills, Historic and Decommissioned Sites in Canada: 2015” and Areva’s Cluff Lake 2015 Annual Report. Response is submittedon behalf of the Saskatchewan Environmental Society and the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation.
June 2, 2016 — Comments to the Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment on the Environmental Impact Statement for the Yancoal Southey Project.