Press Release: New Saskatoon neighbourhood gets car powered by the sun

April 30, 2018 — The Renewable Rides team launched the second 100% solar-powered electric vehicle (EV) in a public car-share—the first in the Nutana neighbourhood, in the parking lot behind the Arrand Block apartment building.

Press Release: A new way to get around Saskatoon

March 13, 2018 — The Saskatchewan Environmental Society and partners launched Saskatoon’s first 100% solar-powered electric vehicle in a car-sharing program at Affinity Credit Union’s Campus building. Renewable Rides is an innovative program in which SES is bringing solar-powered electric vehicles to the Saskatoon CarShare Co-operative’s fleet of cars.

Facilitating Solar Energy Opportunities in Saskatoon

November 4, 2017 — The Saskatchewan Environmental Society’s observations on the Administration Report: Facilitating Solar Energy Opportunities in Saskatoon.

Comments on Proposed Federal Carbon Pricing Backstop

June 30, 2017 — Comments from the Saskatchewan Environmental Society on the Technical Paper (May 18, 2017) on the Federal Carbon Pricing Backstop.

Oil & Gas Methane Emissions FAQs

2017 — FAQs: Methane (CH4) is an important greenhouse gas because it has the ability to trap more heat than carbon dioxide.

Press Release: Saskatchewan’s climate change plan unacceptable

December 8, 2016 — In December 2015, the Saskatchewan Environmental Society celebrated the signing of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. One year later Saskatchewan has presented a climate change plan that has failed to outline steps that will fulfill these obligations.